Saturday, August 31, 2019

4.2 Workfile Review

4. 2 Warning: Alcohol is a Dangerous Chemical Work File Review Section One: Look at each of the statements below. Based on what you have heard and what you believe, which ones are facts and which ones are myths? Place an â€Å"x† next to the answer that represents your choice. *ATOD Orange County Schools Check your answers by selecting the â€Å"Alcohol Pretest Key† on the 4. 2 Activity page. 1. Drinking is part of being an adult. Eventually, everybody drinks alcohol. Fact ____ Fiction __Y__ 2. Drinking makes you more appealing to others. Fact ____ Fiction Y 3. A mixed drink contains more alcohol than beer.Fact _Y___ Fiction ____ 4. A person's size can determine how quickly alcohol can have a negative effect. Fact ____ Fiction _Y___ 5. Coffee is a good way to sober up. Fact __Y__ Fiction ____ 6. Only a few deaths from car accidents are related to alcohol usage. Fact ____ Fiction _Y___ 7. Alcohol is a dangerous drug. Fact ___Y_ Fiction ____ 8. Drinking makes bad feelings go away. Fact ____ Fiction __Y__ 9. Drinking makes your problems disappear. Fact ____ Fiction __Y__ 10. Mixing alcohol with another drug can cause overdose and death. Fact ___Y_ Fiction ____ 11.As soon as alcohol reaches your stomach, it affects your abilities. Fact ___Y_ Fiction ____ 12. Alcohol has no effect on family violence. Fact ____ Fiction Y 13. Alcohol is a poison. Fact YFiction____ 14. Women who drink during pregnancy may have retarded or deformed children. Fact Y Fiction ____ 15. Children of alcoholic parents are more likely to become alcoholics. Fact ___Y_ Fiction ____ Note taking is important for this lesson. Read the questions on the left side of the page very carefully and then record meaningful facts and ideas in the main larger, right-hand column.Be sure to read each stated web site very carefully. Your test will come directly from the notes. This method for taking notes is called â€Å"Cornell Note Taking. † Questions/Main Ideas:Notes_______________________ ______________________ Select: Blood Alcohol Educator 1. List three facts that you have learned from this site. Men has better drinking skill than women 2. Compare the various effects that alcohol has on the mind and body at two different blood alcohol concentrations. 3. Evaluate the decision by all fifty states to enact a BAC limit of . 8 as the legal limit for drunk driving on drivers over the age of 21. Why was this law so important for everyone's health and safety? Select: Myths about alcohol[->0] 1. List at least three organs that can be affected by alcohol use. 2. If you were involved with alcohol as a teen, predict what four people (other than your parents) would be most affected by your use of alcohol. Select: What is a drink? [->1] 1. What is the definition of a standard drink for beer, wine and distilled spirits? 2. How does the amount of alcohol in a malt liquor compare to other brewed beverages? . Why can’t you group all 12 ounce beers as having the same alcohol c ontent just as you would with one 12 ounce wine cooler? Select: Drinking and Driving[->2] 1. Analyze the promising but inadequately evaluated measures that can be used to reduce drinking and driving. Please predict the 3 that you think would be the most beneficial. 2. Identify 2 ways that you can help in the task of reducing drinking and driving. 3. Explain BAC and explain its importance in determining DUI or DWI. Heart, liver, stomach GF, friend, teacher, sister Select: Effects on the Body[->3] . List five (5) effects alcohol has on the body’s central nervous system. 2. Contrast a healthy liver with that of a liver affected by alcohol consumption. Include a minimum of 4 facts in your note-taking column. 3. Imagine you are a physician. A 40- year-old patient comes to you complaining about her health. During your consultation, you find out she has consumed a 12-pack of beer every night for the past 17 years. Speculate the condition of her body, making sure to include the effec ts of alcohol on her brain, intestines, liver and bones.Select: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome[->4] 1. What problems may a baby have if the mother drinks while she is pregnant? 2. What is fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)? 3. A pregnant woman is at a family birthday party. Her brother brings her a drink called a white Russian (it has three different shots of liquor and milk in it). Her brother says it will be good for you –â€Å"it has milk in it†-what should she do? 4. You are at your friend’s house for dinner and your friend’s mother who is pregnant is drinking wine with dinner.You have been taking the life management class online and learned about fetal alcohol syndrome; your friend is concerned about her mother drinking while being pregnant. What could you do to help? [->0] – http://web. archive. org/web/20070414002507/http:/madd. org/stats/0,1056,1156,00. html [->1] – http://pubs. niaaa. nih. gov/publications/Practitioner/pocketguide/pocket_guide2. htm [->2] – http://www2. potsdam. edu/hansondj/DrinkingAndDriving. html [->3] – http://www. collegedrinkingprevention. gov/CollegeStudents/interactiveBody. aspx [->4] – http://www. nofas. org/

Friday, August 30, 2019

Does the Philippines Have a Chance?

â€Å"Does the Philippines have a Chance? † Book of Peter Wallace as reviewed by Nash Gibril Introduction To have a glance on the a report prepared by Mr. Peter Wallace in its book entitled â€Å"Does the Philippines have a Chance? † you can see the naked truth about Philippines negative side. The identified realities then hamper development of the country. These realities were very complex that intertwined with each reality. Once the one problem exists it bred other problem or simply called the domino effect. The interrelated detrimental realities maybe made Mr. Wallace to raise the question, â€Å"does the Philippines have a chance? The challenge now for each and everyone of us from mere tao up to the national leaders is draw a positive recommendation from the said report that could possibly be the or at least part of the solution to the embedded problems of the society and expectedly could at least lessen the problems if impossible to eliminate. In this book review, I will first present the world view of the author in per subject matter then I will try to find myself whether I am amenable to the idea or not and then offer an alternative position if not satisfied, otherwise, I will confirm the practicality or truthfulness of the author’s concept.Sad Political Environment – bred poor governance and corruption Is Mr. Wallace is right when he stated â€Å"politics is the heart of the problem? Indeed, he is right in saying so. The politicians now are the most powerful individuals along with the businessmen in the country. The political leadership controls almost everything, once Mr. Politician held in the throne, first he/she easily acquires wealth through kick-backs, red tapes and any other illegal manner, and then control follows. They [politician] controls the legislation and/or implementation of the laws – they will atify what is justifiable and directly or indirectly on their advantage to their vested interest, otherwise they will be out of the circulation. Another attitude of the political leadership is the so called dynasties – once he/she occupied the post, the tendency is he/she don’t want to vacate or leave the office as far as the constitution allows; and much worst, there were instances of strategic maneuvering, for example, the father is the mayor, the son or daughter is the vice mayor, and a son/wife/daughter is the ABC President, what a strategy.In that structure of ascendancy, the tendency is there’s no check and balance, as the ideal structure is designed for. In other words, the government is very susceptible to graft and corruption practices. And another form of dynastic attitude of the politician is as much as possible; the family can hold strategic position in the political system, let say, there is one governor, a congressman, one mayor, and so on and so forth.And once there corruption, the immediate effect is basic services like education, health and sanitation , livelihood assistance, and others, that are expected from the government were not delivered in timely manner, thus, the poor remained to be poor, and those in the position and power are reaching the sky for their personal satisfaction achievements. Moreover, the political leadership is driven by their own personal agendas and not for the common good of the general public. For instance, the villain of the contemporary administration could be the hero tomorrow and the hero for today could the villain tomorrow.There’s no such thing as solidarity of agenda and aspiration for the betterment of the country in terms of socio-economic upliftment. The poor governance also effect low collection of revenues. The businessmen and all other tax payers would always find ways to evade from paying the appropriate tax of their properties. In some cases, these tax evaders are collaborating with revenue officials in order for them to lessen the amount due from them. Lastly, the competence of s ome of the political personalities are also low evel as to some extent, the rich, regardless whether they are competent or not they can be enthroned to office as they have the money to finance electoral expenses whether legal or illegal like in the form of vote buying. The result of this reality is the formula of Mr. Wallace that a weak leadership is equal to political instability. Uncontrolled population growth The next issue is the question of uncontrollable population growth. The question now is population growth detrimental to the society? Or the huge population could be utilized by the government in attaining its desired goal of development? If to rely on the assumption of Mr.Wallace, definitely, population growth hampers economic development of the country in a sense that the population shares the national wealth of the country. To elaborate further, when fewer people shares the national wealth of the country, the government can spend more high value-added products that can he lp drive the economy. On the query if it is possible that the huge population can be the resources of the government in accomplishing its goal, I don’t think so. It could be possible if the government have the funds in equipping its citizens with necessary skills and expertise like of the case of China.As context, Philippine is very limited on agricultural skills that are sometimes antiquated knowledge are pass from the parents to the siblings, that’s why we cannot expect enhanced agricultural production output from it. The issue on population control is further hindered by the position of the church [Catholic] that does not allow the passage of the Reproductive Health Bill. The church opposes the law as accordingly, to engage in artificial contraceptive is against the tenet of the Catholism. However, as presented by the author, many western countries that predominantly Catholic are practicing the desired method of birth control.Why do the church leaders oppose the alt ernative solution to the problem? On the other hand, the Philippine president is in off-hand in the issue, why? Is it because once he/she insist or at least influence the passage of law, he/she would be condemned by the majority Catholic believers? Lastly, being the highest position in the government must not look back his career and must take a risk to ensure the confirmation of something that would benefit majority of the country citizens. In addition, as suggested by Mr.Wallace, the government shall provide option for family planning along with intensive information dissemination and advocacy through educating of the parents. Education The enrollment rate in the country is used to be at the forefront in Asia in terms of secondary education (77%) and tertiary level (31%) ratios. And accordingly, the figure is continued to improve, however, the other Asian countries improve much faster, the tendency now is there will be times that Philippines will be overtaken. But is the great num ber of enrollment is sufficient enough for the education sector of the country?What about the quality? Why is it that huge number of college graduate can land a job? Is it because of lack of job opportunity or less knowledge acquired or both? What about the curriculum? To start with, let’s check the quality of the education. Philippine universities now seldom got international recognition in terms of efficiency of curriculums – only few were internationally recognized as prominent institution, among to the recently published universities are University of the Philippines, De Salla University, Ateneo University, and University of Southeastern Philippines in Davao City.If the government could implement the free education for primary, elementary up to secondary, the better, however, I can’t support the idea of privatizing the tertiary education, it only add to the problem of the parents in sending their siblings to universities. Once the tertiary education is priva tize, the government no longer can impose regulation in terms of tuition fees and all other fees for very common ground, the school is business that is aimed at profit. Rather, I’m in full support to the idea of curriculum enhancement along with method of teaching improvement.But the most important is the accountability of the education sector officials in their expenditures. There must be no corruption in the education/academe as this institution is the molders of future leaders and officials. Infrastructure The inability of the government to provide necessary infrastructures like paved roads, bridges, dikes, irrigation canals, solar driers, warehouse and others, add the hardship blocks of its citizens. The productions of agricultural products are somehow affected by the roads, bridges, driers and warehouses.The infrastrucres are stock capital of the government that attracts more produce of agricultural products, and it also invites investors to come in and have business in our localities, when there is infrastructures, there will be more businesses thus income comes. However, this infrastructure constructions/provisions are attached to various issues, like prolonged bidding procedures, palakasan system/kumpare system of winning the bidding, breaching of contracts, contractors/sub-contractors incapacities, kick-backs to some government officials, and poor quality outputs.Now with these circumstances, what could be the common tao expect from its government. These sad realities must be changed by the government officials as well as the contractors, to have a sense of responsibility and credibility for the benefits of common public must be considered. On the other hand, self-centeredness shall be minimized if not erased in the blood of the Filipinos, otherwise, decade hardship will commence in the coming future. Antiquated agricultureIn terms of agriculture sector, no doubt that we have the wide arable and fertile lands ideal for many types of agriculture products like rice, corn, banana, coconut, coffee, cacao, pineapples, and a lot more. But the problem in this sector are also wide as the lands of the country, for example, the appropriate farming technologies, capital of small farmers, inequitable distribution land ownership, the pro-hybrid and anti-GMO, and lack of necessary infrastructures to support the produce of the farmers.These interlinked realities can only be addressed if the government and farmers will work hand in hand for the resolution of the issues attached to the sector, otherwise we will be of great dependence in terms of food consumption from other neighboring countries. Lastly, in my opinion, the government shall gradually shift to the sustainable agriculture to evade possible environmental impact of the extreme usage of chemicals like pesticides and fertilizers in farming. Job creation In the statement of Mr. Wallace â€Å"give the poor a job, and they no longer poor† is absolutely right.In community orga nizing work for example, the intervention must be attitudinal change with the given technological skills/knowledge and not by just providing temporary solutions to the circumstances. For the case of humanitarian relief, there must be a timeframe of when to stop giving relief goods, as it will create a culture of dependency. And for the issue of providing skills, the TESDA must intensify its campaign in providing necessary skills training as this will propel individual income. The Court System The Supreme Court being the highest court of the land shall perform its mandated and expected functions as well.While the integrity and competence of the justices are unquestionable, in some way or another, their knowledge on technical, economic and technological matters are somehow limited, thus, I support the call of Mr. Wallace that the justices before having a final verdict on issues pertaining to technical, economic and social consequences must have to consult to experts on the particular field where decision will have to be made. My statement however, does not pertain to mining as my personal judgment that mining exploration must be deferred awaiting political maturity and integrity of the public officials.Security Frankly speaking, I am not convinced with the formula of Mr. Wallace that â€Å"Security and Development = Peace + stability. In my own opinion though it could be bias for other as I am Moro, holistically seeing the matter, the only cure for the Moro rebellion is the granting of self-determination. Aside from that, there will no sustainable solution to the problem as the Moro are just retracting their decade’s stolen sovereignty and freedom that their fore parents enjoyed for centuries long ahead of the Philippine republic.My inclination to the self-determination is further backed by the experiences of Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) as the failure of the government to impose the desired development. My position, is why not let the Mor o people chart their own destiny through Federal State and/or any other from? The notion is, you cannot impose development to the discontented and untrusting people, they [Moros] has the discretion to develop themselves. However, I support the statement of Mr. Wallace that government cannot win by fighting the rebels, and cannot negotiate peace in isolation.For me, the statement is suggesting for more peaceful solution and not by fighting as in war, everyone is a loser. Conclusion What is my personal assessment on the statements and/or arguments of Mr. Peter Wallace? In a fair and square answer, I agree to most of the notions of Mr. Wallace, whether it is the negative aspect about Philippines and it’s leaders/citizens and the suggestions and recommendations he offered, except for two aspects: (1. ) the promotion of the mining industry, and (2. the formula of resolving Moro insurgency in Mindanao [but no comment on the NDF/NPA]. My stand is influenced by my belief that as long as the Philippine political environment including the judicial system would not be changed, then one cannot expect that the ideal regulations of extracting earth minerals will be followed by the mining companies. The foreign countries he referred were all successful in that endeavor [mining industry] considering that there government are in good status unlike in us which corruption is becoming a phenomenal culture.While we know that development could positive and/or negative effect on the environment, what I suspect is more on negative side effects considering the attitude of the government officials and the mining companies as well. And for the solution for the insurgency, I am not convinced with the formula as I support self-determination is the foundation of any peace and development in the concern areas. Now, to answer the question, does the Philippines have a chance? I am optimistic that there could be chance for the Philippines to develop socio-economically, as long as the re commendations of Mr.Wallace and all other development planners must be considered by the government and by every one of us. The political leaders cannot solve the problem alone, so the cooperation and participation of its citizens is required, otherwise we cannot expect any change. The change we dreamed of must start in ourselves, by being vigilant, law abiding individuals. Indeed, development is a great challenge for each Filipino. No one but Filipinos only can develop its own country.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Eisenhower and U.S. Policy in Southeast Asia Essay - 1

Eisenhower and U.S. Policy in Southeast Asia - Essay Example An entire generation of anti-war protestors had emerged in response to the years of bloody fighting that had, for the first time in the nation’s history, been broadcast into living rooms across the country through the nightly news. Both civilians and military servicemen alike asked themselves this simple question: how did we get into such a mess? How was America, and France before her, defeated by a peasant army of Vietnamese Communists? It seems that in the wake of defeat, it is most important that blame be properly assessed. And most oftentimes, it is the presiding Administration at the time of the defeat that takes the lion’s share of the blame. Is that always where the blame lies, however? Based on the policies regarding Vietnam that President Nixon inherited from Johnson, who inherited it from Kennedy, was it even possible for America to win? No. The failure of America in Vietnam was rooted in decades of flawed policy. In fact, the roots of America’s failure in Vietnam can actually be drawn all the way back to Truman, but more significantly, to Eisenhower. It is important to study the Eisenhower era because American policy in Vietnam was strongly shaped during this time, even though the actual combat occurred under Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon. Indeed, it was because Eisenhower pursued a policy of containment in Vietnam that the war finally erupted.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Compare Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Compare - Assignment Example The role of decision making for the recruiters is a complicated as there is a need to evaluate all factors of the candidate based on his qualifications, experience and capabilities to carry out his job responsibilities effectively. Moreover, there is a need that there is no bias attitude by the employer. In this report, two companies are considered namely Qatar Airways and British Airways and their decision-making policies are discussed and analyzed for recruiting members of cabin crew. Decision Making in Recruitment In order to select the right individual, the recruitment team needs to adopt effective methods using technology like recruitment software through which hiring is carried out. Such system weighs whether a candidate is suitable to carry his or her responsibilities effectively or not. The results, which are coming through this process, are more reliable and it is easier to make a decision about the candidate. Interview is the most important feature of the recruitment proces s, however, by using recruitment software it is easier to choose the right person as there is no biasness or personal preferences. Qatar Airways Qatar Airways is one of the premium and leading airlines in this world, which is covering destinations across Europe, Middle East and all regions of Asia Pacific and America. It has more than 27,000 staff members who are representing different functions of the Qatar Airways Group. British Airways British Airways is a UK based airline, which is covering about 160 national and international destinations in the world. Recruitment in Qatar and British Airways Both organizations carry out their recruitment process, which is based on assessment of academic qualifications for the required job and work experience specifics. In order to recruit members of cabin crew, the induction process carried out is based on demonstrating the skills required to carry out this particular job. Candidates go through a series of interviews, tests and group discussio n. Qatar Airways: Recruitment in Cabin Crew Qatar Airways has a recruitment team, which selects the right kind of employees through online applications as well as other means. They take into consideration various individual qualities required to do the job of cabin crew, and also good leadership skills which can allows individuals to provide solutions to complex situations through problem solving techniques. The candidates need to be presentable and dynamic with an optimistic approach towards life and their career. Moreover, the company has a clear set of values, which candidates need to fulfill. Video Interviewing As Qatar Airways is expanding its network at a tremendous rate so the need to hire suitable candidates is on the rise. Hiring is conducted in all major cities of the world. In order to make hiring simpler and easier video interviewing is performed. With this communication with the candidates can be carried out at a personal level and they can be judged of their technical knowledge through these interviews and keeping the cost of the recruitment process low (Hall, 2010). Qatar Airways uses recruitment software by the name of Sonru-QR to make it easier for people who are living in different parts of the world to apply online. Sonru Strength based video Interviewing Even though hiring candidates through telephonic interviews is a good way to evaluate them, but there are some issues, which the recruiters may

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Discuss the main issues and instruments of conservation in the British Essay

Discuss the main issues and instruments of conservation in the British countryside how has the role of planning evolved in regard to conservation - Essay Example Most importantly is the presence of biodiversity in the region. The land is less polluted and therefore the natural ecosystem has been relatively maintained compared to the extensively polluted industrialized urban centers. However, there has been a decline in wild life species over the past years. This has been caused by intensive farming that has been in practice since the end of World War II when farmers began maximizing productivity of their land, leading to mass clearing of bushes for farming land and the use of pesticides as well as fertilizers. These eventually caused pollution of the surface water as well as loss of biodiversity (Gallent, N., Juntti, M., Kidd, S. and Shaw, D. 2008 pp. 27-33). The government realized recently that there are enormous losses that have been caused by felling of trees and clearing of wildlife habitats. This realization compelled the government to set measures meant to conserve and prevent further loss of biodiversity. Targets have been set to prevent loss of vulnerable animal, bird and plant species. These targets are fulfilled through systems that are supported by non-governmental organizations, local authorities as well as state agencies with a common goal of environmental conservation. They are usually pilot projects that are aimed at establishing the best conservation practices which assist the government to formulate policies about environmental conservation. This came after the realization of the fact that the biodiversity that has been in existence for thousands of years can be destroyed within 50 years, and it will take many thousands of years to be restored. Its loss is mainly attributed by recent farmers whose driving force is mainl y the economic gains derived from the land. Farmers are now being encouraged to engage in ecologically sound farming practices in order for the land to be more productive for a longer period of time (Bishop, K. and Phillips, A. 2004 pp. 78-83). People have

Monday, August 26, 2019

Behavior in Higher Mammals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Behavior in Higher Mammals - Essay Example They achieved a balance between molecular work, on the one hand, and anatomical and paleontological2 work on the other hand making them the higher amongst the all mammals found. Scientists say placental mammals are the most prominent mammals in the world today. Realizing the biggest category of the mammals we need to understand the ways in which we could observe them. Various precautions have to be taken before beginning with this activity. Some the things that have to be studied are It would be easy to observe domestic mammals in the beginning if you are not equipped with complete biological exploring4 kit. If you have a large team and resources you can go out and observe them in open settings else placental mammals can be started with to begin the study. Some of the placental mammals include rats, squirrels, rabbits, elephants, horses, lions, tigers, pandas, pigs, sheep, dolphins, whales, as well as humans and other primates. So we can begin our study by choosing the mammals we can have control over like rats, squirrel, pig, sheep, dolphins because they might be too friendly about your observation activity. So being precautious friendly mammal has to be chosen before you become expert with the technique of observing mammals. (According to Frost, PWS and the Gulf of Alaska (GOA)) Some o... Various precautions have to be taken before beginning with this activity. Some the things that have to be studied are We need to study the eating habits of the mammal. Realization of its food chain and biome3 is most necessary. Categorization into domestic and free mammal has to be realized. If one chooses to observe a mammal in a natural and semi natural surroundings one has to get knowledge about their foot marks their smell and things which attract them. Gulati Peeyush 2007 Keen observations have to be made depending upon the environment we have chosen to make observations. It would be easy to observe domestic mammals in the beginning if you are not equipped with complete biological exploring4 kit. If you have a large team and resources you can go out and observe them in open settings else placental mammals can be started with to begin the study. Some of the placental mammals include rats, squirrels, rabbits, elephants, horses, lions, tigers, pandas, pigs, sheep, dolphins, whales, as well as humans and other primates. So we can begin our study by choosing the mammals we can have control over like rats, squirrel, pig, sheep, dolphins because they might be too friendly about your observation activity. So being precautious friendly mammal has to be chosen before you become expert with the technique of observing mammals. (According to Frost, PWS and the Gulf of Alaska (GOA)) Some of the richest marine mammal fauna in the world: 21 species are currently known to live in these waters, of these 21, four species - the harbor seal, the killer whale, the sea otter, and the stellar sea lion - would likely be the easiest and most useful to monitor. So if you are technologically

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Business Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Business Plan - Essay Example There are three types of business structures to choose from. The three business structures are sole proprietorship, partnership, and corporation. A sole proprietorship is a business owned by a single person. Most owners of sole proprietorships are also the managers of the business. One of the cons of sole proprietorships is that the owners are personally liable for the debt of the business. Two advantages of sole proprietorships are absolute control over decision making and the owner gets 100% of the profits. A partnership can be defined as the relationship existing between two or more persons who join to carry on a trade or business (Irs, 2012). Partnerships share in the profits and losses of a business based on the partnership agreement. Some of the advantages of partnerships are flexibility, greater human capital, and transferability. The third form of business is corporations. A corporation is a legal entity that exists separate from its owners. Three advantages of corporations a re limited liability of stockholders, continuous life, and the ability to acquire capital. Some of the cons of corporations include separation of ownership and management, governmental regulations, and additional taxes. The business structure chosen for Pizza Heaven is corporation. ... The business will start by opening a restaurant facility. After one year of operation the company will start selling franchises. The franchise will sell for under $100,000. Investors interested in a smaller investment will be able to buy mobile units franchises for $30,000. The business will sell personal pizzas, medium and large pizzas, calzones, frappes, mozzarella sticks, nachos, breadsticks, sodas and sandwiches. The company’s products are going to be priced to compete with the industry leaders. Accounting is going to play a very large role in the success of the company. The corporation seeks to have a franchising model. It is imperative to keep track of the sales of all the franchises due to the fact that the company will charge a 5% royalty on all sales. To attract investors the accounting books of the company must be up to date following the generally accepted accounting principles. Pizza Heaven must release its financial statements on a yearly basis. The four financial statements are the income statement, balance sheet, statement of return earnings, and statement of cash flow. Once the company becomes public it must register with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). All companies register with the SEC are mandated to release trimester and yearly financial statements. Hiring the correct accounting staff is very important because accountants play a key role in the administration of a company. All members of the accounting staff must have a minimum education credential of a bachelor in business administration in accounting. Applicants that have an MBA degree or have a CPA license will be given preferential treatment in the recruiting process. The members of the accounting staff must have at least one year of experience

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Small War In The Context Of Law Empire Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Small War In The Context Of Law Empire - Essay Example The small war also comprises of campaigns aimed to subdue the existing guerrillas’ warfare and rebellions in different parts of the universe. In these areas, several soldiers and other defense forces have been deployed to fight back the militants or rebels who are cowards and do not have the courage to battle with militaries in open ground or field. Therefore, small war can be said to involve operations that are extremely unreliable and unpredictable as far as their scope and conditions are concerned. In the real sense, small war can be termed as a civil war in a nation or a civil wrong resulting from feuds and conflicts that prevail in a group or between groups in the society. Most of the people perceive small war as a turning point in the establishment of societal values and concepts. The scope of a small war entails organization of soldiers for irregular warfare information that is very valuable and important in defeating the enemy. The military logistics arrangements are e xhaustively dealt with and in detail. These logistic arrangements include communication lines, transport, and the supply system. In respect to strategies and tactics in place, a sketch of the rules, practice and the principles of a small war is established which will govern the conducts of armies while in war operations against the enemies. In small wars, it very significant to learn the varying hostile mode of war to a certain extent and get conversant with the possible war circumstances to prevail in the course of the battle. The military records have proven that the hostile mode of small wars differs from one battle to another. Therefore, a prior war study will help to come up with suitable strategies and tactics that will assume all forms of war. In a small war, the warring sides tend to have contentious issues that range from economic issues to social issues.

UK REMEDIES AND RESTITUTION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

UK REMEDIES AND RESTITUTION - Essay Example serious litigants and habitual litigants would be discouraged and only genuine grievance would be catered to by the judiciary and in the process saving a lot of public money and precious judicial time that could be used somewhere else. Under Civil Law and specifically under the Tort of Negligence people rush to courts to sue the other party and seek compensation and off lately even the system has been encouraging it in a tacit manner. According to David Hooker, director of Claims at Norwich Union quoting the Institute of Actuaries (December 2002) figures said that every year  £10 billion in compensation claims is paid out. This ends up costing the average household  £500 per year. Bogus or excessive claims cost local authorities as much as  £117 million a year, according to the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment. There has also been a 48% increase in the number of claims being handled by the NHSLA (National Health Service Litigation Authority). He further said that as of 31st March 2003 there were 19,580 live claims against trusts. There is inevitably also a corresponding increase in the estimated value of claims against trusts, which in the year to 31st March 2003 rose 12%.( ) The rough estimated cost that the NHS paid as compensation amount in 2001 was near about  £900m, to LEAs it was around  £200m, and to the Police Deptt /MoD around  £800m (Source: Actuarial Report - The Cost of Compensation). The compensation claims in the cases of medical negligence have especially seen a phenomenal rise over a number of years. There have been genuine claims too but a significant number of preposterous claims have landed a number of medical professionals in soup over things that could have been explained in medical terms. Under the head of negligence in Law of Torts, compensation awarded due to the negligence of the defendant is the most effective remedy. The case is different if it is a case of

Friday, August 23, 2019

The theory of wound care fro Podiatry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The theory of wound care fro Podiatry - Essay Example They may be chronic or acute, and open or closed. The patient presented with a full thickness ulcer measuring 8 mms in diameter of approximately 6 months duration and the tissues around the ulcer are acutely inflamed. Patients with rheumatoid arthritis may develop leg and foot ulcers of varied aetiologies, including venous disease, infection and inflammation. The foot ulcers in rheumatoid arthritis patients may involve several of these aetiological factors and are often difficult to heal (Sunita). Both the ulcers and the treatments are often painful, and these ulcers may be present for years. Chronic wounds plague more than 10 million people in the world today. But even more troubling is the fact that these wounds may persist for months and even years without any healing or sign of improvement (Morgan 25). The problem is usually, if not always, not the wound itself; and therefore treating the wound will not, in chronic cases, resolve the issue. Chronic wounds have underlying causes t hat must be addressed in order for the wound to heal properly. Because normal skin and wound care is not enough to heal these wounds they usually remain for extended periods of time. As a rule, only 50% of leg ulcers heal within 4 months of appearing, 20% remain open at 2 years and 8% remain open at 5 years (World Wide Wounds). So we see that to effectively treat a chronic wound you must treat the cause and not simply treat the symptom. There are several factors that affect wound healing. These include the age of the patient, hydration status, presence of infection, presence of underlying conditions, medications, obesity, oxygenation and tissue perfusion, personal hygiene and nutrition (Bowler 499). In the case of Mrs. Freeman, these factors can be very well correlated. The physiological changes that occur with ageing place older patients at higher risk of poor wound healing. The age of the patient places her in a relative state of immune deficiency. The immune system also declines with age making older patients more susceptible to infection. Older people can also present with other chronic diseases, which affect their circulation and oxygenation to the wound bed. Dehydration leads to an electrolyte imbalance and impaired cellular function. The presence of infection can significantly alter the rate of wound healing. Infection has been defined as the deposition and multiplication of organisms in tissue with an associ ated host reaction (Dealy 56). In the given case, infection is rather evident in the patient's ulcer. The presence of unhealthy granulation, thick, bloody, and malodorous exudates indicate the presence of infection. Wound infection is a problem because, at the most fundamental level, infection stops a wound from healing by prolonging the inflammatory phase, disrupting the normal clotting mechanisms and promoting disordered leukocyte function and ultimately preventing the development of new blood vessels and formation of granulation tissue. Chronic diseases like diabetes mellitus, rheumatoid arthritis, and lupus can delay the process of healing. The patient has been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis of 10 years duration and this has markedly affected wound healing in her case. She also has secondary hypertension and iron deficiency anemia. The presence of chronic diseases weakens the immune system, dampening its ability to counteract the pathogens attacking the

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Nature versus nurture Essay Example for Free

Nature versus nurture Essay My husband and I ran a group home for teenage girls for over nine years. The girls were struggling with â€Å"major† life issues, some had been abandoned, others had sexual identity issues, a few were addicted to drugs, and struggling with Bulimia and Anorexia Nervosa. Many of these girls survived their environments and some did not. Was it something they were exposed to or was it something they were predisposed to? Nature or Nurture, or perhaps it was a little of both. The Nature vs. Nurture theory has been argued, fought over and debated for centuries by such intellectuals as Plato, Aristotle, Shakespeare, and Darwin. The phrase Nature vs. Nurture has been attributed to Francis Galton, who was also the cousin of Charles Darwin.? Galton became an openly anti-Christian bigot. Galton wrote about prayer: I do not propose any special inquiry whether the general laws of physical nature are ever changed in response to prayer: whether, for instance, success has attended the occasional prayers in the Liturgy when they have been used for rain, for fair weather, for the stilling of the sea in a storm, or for the abatement of a pestilence. The modern feeling of this country is so opposed to a belief in the occasional suspension of the general laws of nature that most English readers would smile at such an investigation. (Memories of My Life, Galton, Nabu Press, August 28, 2010) Nature vs. Nurture is an argument that, in all probability, will never be settled. I know that for me, I am no closer to a choice than I was when I started working with teenagers. Edward Shorter says this about the Nature-Nurture opinions: â€Å"Yet in the 1950s, advocates of psychoanalysis and community psychiatry argued that biology played virtually no role, that it was all nurture and no nature. So the argument that nature and nurture stand in some kind of Nature vs. Nurture 3 fifty-fifty relationship is already quite extreme from the viewpoint of thirty years ago. One need not be an organic absolutist to place organic factors in their proper perspective: Nature and Nurture intertwine. † (A History of Psychiatry, 1997 E. Shorter pp 287) I think I most agree with this assessment as I have seen both in action and I have seen both be dominant in certain people. The nature theory is that we are all born with predisposed traits, such as personality, intelligence and even sexual orientation; these traits are not influenced by the environment but biology. The nurture side or the â€Å"Tabula Blanca† (Blank Slate) is the theory that each of us is born with a â€Å"Blank Slate†: and that our environment determines traits such as personality, intelligence, and sexual orientation. James Garbarino says this: â€Å"The question of whether bad behavior is preprogrammed genetically is one of the central controversies in child development. An informed starting point is to remember that child development requires the interplay of biology and society, the characteristics children bring with them into the world and the way the world treats them, nature and nurture. Sociobiology emphasizes a genetic origin for social behavior: some characteristics promote survival, and thus reproduction, more than other characteristics. In contrast, what researchers Benjamin Pasamaniack calls social biology concentrates on the social origins of biological phenomena (e. g. , the impact of poverty on infant health). The key is that there are social implications of genetically based individual behaviors; the social impact of biologically rooted traits can affect the survival of individual people and groups of related people, and thus the likelihood that a particular genetic pattern will be passed along to surviving offspring. † (Lost Boys, James Garbarino, Ph. D. Simon and Schuster Inc. , 1999 pp. 73-74) Nature vs. Nurture 4 In my thirty years of working with young teens I have experienced a variety of issues. One such as a family which had two daughters, both raised in the same environment, the oldest became a drug addict for many years. Throughout the years, the family went to several drug rehab centers, doctors, psychologists, and therapists. One doctor told the family that there was nothing anyone could do. When asked why, the doctor said â€Å"She was predisposed to be this way! † This would be an argument for nature; one struggling with addiction and the other not being affected. Both living in the same environment yet one, according to the doctors, was predisposed to addiction. This young lady found Jesus and He cleansed her from her drug addiction and she has been clean now for over 15 years. Jesus can clean up our predisposition and our nature. I met a young African-American man when he was in the 7th grade. He lived in the projects with his grandmother, mother, sister, and younger brother, all in a three bedroom apartment. The father had left this family and they became poverty stricken. The difference was the mother! She was fearless and wanted her children to use education to rise above their circumstances. This young man is now the assistant principal at a local high school. His family has moved out of the projects and both his sister and brother graduated from college. They did not allow their environment to dictate their future. However, I feel that their environment helped. Their mother was their environment not the projects. So was this family predisposed to make it out of the projects? Or was it the affect their mother had on them? I think that it was both. Nature vs. Nurture 5 In my experience there is no doubt that environment plays a huge part. That is because the environment is something we can see, it’s natural, you can look at a situation and see what the surroundings are and make a judgment. With nature you can’t really see it per say so it is harder to make a judgment on what really causes someone to act a certain way or become the person that they become. In our group home setting my husband and I did everything we possibly could do to make it a loving environment. These girls had never experienced unconditional love. I know that a loving environment has the ability to change people. No matter what has gone on before in their lives. Not every person we â€Å"loved on† made it. Recently my husband and I were watching the evening news and heard a report of a prostitute being arrested downtown for stabbing a man. When her name was given it was a young lady that had lived in our home and my husband and I had tried to adopt. I believe that I am more of a nurture person than a nature person. I believe that nurture can change nature, if that is even possible. Peter tells us in 2 Peter 1:4, â€Å"so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature† (ESV). He prefaces that by saying in verse three that Jesus has given us everything that pertains to life and godliness. I know that for many of these teens we worked with what they needed was not just love and nurture but they needed to be made partakers of the divine nature. Nature and Nurture, intertwined together. Nature vs. Nurture 6 References Galton, Francis, Memories of My Life, Nabu Press, August 28, 2010. Shorter, Edward, A History of Psychiatry: From the Era of the Asylum to the Age of Prozac, 1997, John Wiley and Sons Inc. Publisher. Garbarino, James, Ph. D. Lost Boys: Why Our Sons Turn Violent and How We Can Save Them, 1999, The Free Press, a Division of Simon and Schuster Inc. Publisher The Holy Bible, English Standard Version (2008) Crossway a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. FINAL PAPER GRADING RUBRIC.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

An analysis of the hospitality industry: Nahm

An analysis of the hospitality industry: Nahm INDEX In this project I have briefly mentioned about the restaurant Nahm which is a fantastic restaurant to talk, experience and research. This project has helped me to discover about the restaurant and grabs my interest towards the restaurant. The projects also talks about how the cuisine served in the restaurant is famous around the world. Chef David Thompson with the Michelin star in Nahm London is a very creative chef for his cuisine. The restaurants ranking has been consistent in the world for its great food and service. 1 NAHM: THE RESTAURANT 1.1 Introduction to hospitality industry: The hospitality industry is a very vast industry to explore. However, hospitality starts from our home where, how elegantly we serve our guests and be generous to them. Hospitality industry is not just about hotels and restaurants, it simply means that how the guest is provided with privilege services to enjoy in any kind of shelter, whether home or away from home. The main aim of hospitality industry is to make the guest happy with the services provided. 1.2 List of hospitality sectors: Accommodation, includes hotel, hostels, resorts, motels Food Beverage. Includes all kinds of restaurants, cafà ©s, bars, pubs etc. Travel, tourism sector Recreation centers Convention, Meetings events Entertainment sectors, includes movie theatres, amusement parks etc. (Powers Barrows, 1999), (University, 2015) 1.3 Evolution of restaurant: The word â€Å"RESTAURANT† earlier meant was to restore where in the ancient time people indicated the word as a soup which was rich and highly flavored that used to restore the strength which was been lost. The word has been pass through many centuries changing its meaning. Now, the word means where people come to a place to eat. Throughout the globe, the restaurant business is been visible to everyone. The restaurants are booming worldwide. People love to eat and they want to dine and socialize with all of their leisure time. Now, we also have the quick service restaurants for the people who don’t have time to cook their meal and all the want a ready made quick meal which can give energy to work all day long. This all of the services and the restaurant lifestyle which we are receiving today is only because of the French revolution. Yes, the French revolution has played a big role in developing the restaurants. In the time of 18th century there were many travelers who visited various inns or any kind of food shop which also served wine or beer, from this the restaurant evolution commenced. These tavern restaurants were the product of France in the period of 1765, where the first ever restaurant was discovered which is known as Le Boulanger, Boulanger was a Parisian bouillon seller and he quoted as his sign that â€Å"Boulanger sells restoratives fit for the gods†. From that period the number of restaurants started increasing in Paris and then grew all over the world. This period was a role playing period for discovering of restaurants. Later, the industrial revolution handled the modern food which helped in rising of chain the restaurants. McDonald’s is the best example of chain restaurants which is dominating the chain restaurants worldwide. However chain restaurants is very different from a proper fine dining restaurant. Fine dining restaurants has its own different world, serving its specialty food to the people with a great amou nt of authenticity and Michelin stars involved. People will dine for the better ambience, leisure and would want to try various cuisine’s specialty that the restaurant would serve. With many of the restaurants serving its own cuisine, the cuisine they are serving should be authentic as well as traditional and only some of the restaurants could make it to the best of the cuisine. That’s how the top fine dine restaurants stand out the crowd. Where the NAHM restaurant is one of them. (Olver, 2015), (Mealey, 2015) 2 RESEARCH 2.1 About NAHM: NAHM is awarded the world’s top 50 restaurants and ranks in top 13, and is Asia’s no.1 restaurant. The owner of the restaurant is an Australian Chef, Chef David Thompson. The restaurant received the first Michelin star after six months of its opening in its London branch. The restaurant serves Thai cuisine and is based in Bangkok. Unfortunately the London restaurant is closed and lost its Michelin star. The NAHM Bangkok was opened 2010. 2.2 About Chef David Thompson: Chef David Thompson is an Australian chef. The chef is also an author as well as broadcaster and is expert in Thai cuisine. Before opening his restaurant NAHM, Chef David Thompson had his restaurant named Darley street Thai in Sydney, Australia. This restaurant was voted as the best Thai restaurant 8 years in a row by Sydney morning herald. Then later chef established NAHM Bangkok and later NAHM London. The Chef is the author of ‘Thai Food‘in 2001, which was named Andre Simon ‘Book of the Year’ and the Glenfiddich ‘Cookery Book of the Year.’ In 2010, Chef published a new book â€Å"Thai Street food†. 2.3 About the flavors of the cuisine served: Chef David Thompson serves the most authentic Thai cuisine to the restaurant with his experienced team. The chef believes that the traditional Thai cuisine is all about dynamic interplay of dynamic sweet salty, hot sour. The chef uses ingredients such as garlic, shrimp paste, chilies, and lemongrass and blends them together to create an authentic, subtle elegance in which every element is in perfect balance. These all includes the curries, the salads, relishes, the soups the stir-fries, implementing the traditional Thai ingredients which is less seen in modern Thai cuisine. The restaurant uses the best market produce all over the globe and produces its own best dishes using the rare ingredients such as jungle curry with ‘pla chorn’ which is a fresh water Thai fish. The chef also creates colorfuldesserts which is a blend of salty and sweet. (, 2015), (, 2015) 2.4 Ambience of the restaurant: NAHM is found in the dining of Metropolitan hotel by COMO. The restaurant is situated to the ground floor of the hotel, which gives the straight view of the outdoor pool. The Guests can dine in the restaurant’s exotic interiors as well as up on the terrace and the restaurant also opens a facility for different dining room for corporate as well as social events. The restaurant is interconnect to private rooms, having the same ambience as the NAHM, to accommodate 24 people. NAHM closes in its ideas from the temples of the ancient Siam city of Ayutthaya, which features the bare wooden tables and raw brick pillars, with Chef David Thompson forcing in 100 percent effort to tune the ambience with the menu.(, 2015), (, 2015) 2.5 .Menu of the Restaurant: The dinner menu of the restaurant cost around 1,700 baht per person. Canapà ©s are also available in the restaurant. The set dinner is very long to finish, which would be completed around 2 and half hours. The menu consists of 8 course meal. The menu is also available in a la carte style and then followed by the dessert. The portion of the meal is decided according to people in the group are there. The lunch menu would cost around 1,100 baht per person, though the price of the menu is high, it comes in top 50 restaurants so the menu standard is excellent and worth the price. The restaurant initially serves ‘ma hor’ which consists of minced shrimp, chicken and nuts reduced in palm sugar topped with a slice of pineapple and then the meal is followed with canapà ©s. The restaurant serves flavorful curries, steamed dishes, stir fries and grilled specialties. In Canapà ©s, the restaurant serves Spicy Pork with Mint, and Southern Grilled Mussels , Peanuts and Crunchy Rice on Betel Leaves. The restaurant also serves the famous Thai Coconut and Turmeric Curry of Blue Swimmer Crab with Calamansi Limes which is the most authentic dish to try in the restaurant. The Grilled Pork Cheek with Smoky Tomato Sauce is one of the best dishes served in the restaurant. The restaurant also serves desserts like Sweet Thai Wafer with Poached Persimmons and Golden Duck Egg Noodles and Pistachio Pudding and Golden Tear Drops with Perfumed Mung Beans. The desserts are generally made from tropical fruits, vegetables and beans, prepared with coconut milk. The restaurant serves excellent salads like lemongrass salad of meaty prawns. The restaurant also offers the clear soup of roast duck with Thai basil and coconut. The menu of the restaurant is very traditional and authentic and brings back all of the old dishes. (, 2014), (, 2015) 2.6 Running time of the restaurant: For the lunch the restaurant from Monday to Friday starts from 12pm to 2pm The dinner is served daily, the dinner starts from 7pm to 10.30pm For dinner the last time to order is 10:30 pm 2.7 Reservation policies: The reservation will be only available for 30 minutes against of the booking time the person has done and after that reservation will be released. 2.8 Dress code policy: The customer has to be dressed in smart casuals and won’t be allowed in the restaurant in short pants or any kind of sleeveless t shirts. The customer should also avoid wearing slippers, flip flops and open toe sandals. 3- Conclusion: Although Chef David Thompson is an Australian chef, he is highly skilled in Thai cuisine and it doesn’t mean that any other nationality chef cannot have the art of other cuisine. Chef David Thompson has worked hard to get his restaurant in top 50 in the world. He is very passionate about Thai cuisine and can be seen in his restaurant. NAHM is a very beautiful Thai restaurant and people can have a very wonderful experience of the restaurant as well as the traditional food served. NAHM was the first Thai restaurant to be awarded a Michelin star to its London restaurant which was closed later. Chef David Thompson now runs his restaurant in Bangkok and is very committed to his restaurant. He believes that the restaurant here in Bangkok is perfect for running in nature. He believes that the restaurant can only be operated in Thailand. (Lynne, 2014) References- Olver, L. (2015). The Food Timeline: history notesrestaurants, chefs foodservice. Retrieved 3 January 2015, from Mealey, L. (2015). A History of the Restaurant. About. Retrieved 3 January 2015, from Powers, T., Barrows, C. (1999). Introduction to management in the hospitality industry. New York: Wiley. University, C. (2015).HSC Online Develop and update hospitality industry Retrieved 7 January 2015, from,. (2015). Thai Cuisine in Sathorn | The Metropolitan Bangkok. Retrieved 3 January 2015, from,. (2015). Nahm. Retrieved 3 January 2015, from,. (2014).Nahm Bangkok – Thailand’s Best Restaurant Was Good, Not Enough to Wow. Retrieved 3 January 2015, from,. (2015). Nahm Restaurant Magazine. Retrieved 3 January 2015, from Lynne, R. (2014). MBS Guy Savoy closes: Street-food version of famed Thai restaurant Nahm will take its space.The Straits Times. 1

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Social democracy as a force in contemporary britain

Social democracy as a force in contemporary britain In this essay I will attempt to firstly define Social Democracy and what advantages and disadvantages it brings to a state. Then I will move on to showing how Social Democracy is still existent within contemporary Britain through the means of public spending on education and benefits. I will explore Labours contemporary policies to show that Socialism is still present in Labour. However I will then explain how the Labour Party, which has its foundations in Socialism, has changed and moved towards the Third Party or New Labour which also values Capitalist aims. I will then argue that Britain is becoming more of a Capitalist state under New Labour and how globalisation has affected this. Giddens described social democracy as: Social Democracy moderate, parliamentary socialism built upon consolidating the welfare state. (Giddens. A, 1998, p4) He recognised how Social Democracy differed to Marxism. Social Democracy saw free market capitalism as producing many of the problematic effects Marx diagnosed, but believed these can be muted or overcome by state intervention. (Giddens. A, 1998, p8) The advantage of Social Democracy is that Socialism uses the welfare state to abolish exploitation within the market system and destroy the division of society in class groups. They aim to remove all inequalities whether its economic or political using state intervention when needed. (Przeworski. A, 1985, p29) This gives everyone an equal start in life. Giddens told of the state intervention as government intervening in family or individual life when needed. Social democracy saw that there was a vital need for state benefits to help those who are unable to fend for themselves. (Giddens. A, 1998, p9) The advantage of this is that it closes the income gap between the different classes. However Giddens coined the main disadvantage of a Social Democratic state. The economic theory of Socialism was always inadequate, underestimating the capacity of Capitalism to innovate, adapt and generate increasing productivity. Socialism failed to grasp the significance of markets as informational devices, providing essential data for buyers and sellers. (Giddens. A, 1998, p4-5) In the Labour revolution of 1945-1951 Britain was a planned economy, nationalised industry and expanded welfare state, a Social Democratic state. (Reitan.E.A, 2003, p27) However toward the 1970s Britain faced lowest productivity within the major industrial states, high unemployment and inflation. There was unwillingness of workers to move around to find employment. Managers were also slow in introducing technology that would improve productivity. (Reitan. E.A, 2003, p141) this shows that at that time the British state was unable to keep up with the market changes and generate increased productivity backing up Giddens claim that Socialism is unable to increase productivity and adapt to the market. (Giddens. A, 1998, p4-5) There are characteristics of the welfare state within contemporary Britain. We see the state still providing free education. Just recently there are reports saying that there have been increased spending on education. The figures showed that the spending has been increasing for more than 50 years. The graph below shows the figures of increased public spending on education. Education spending (Derived from The graph shows how in the U.K. the state is spending money on education has increased from 50% to almost 140% in 2005-2006. Spending money on education in the UK will giving everyone an equal start in life and removing inequalities which are characteristics of a social democracy. (Przeworski. A, 1985, p29) Another demonstration of a Social Democracy within contemporary Britain is the benefit system. The British government provide benefits for those who are disabled, low income, unemployed, have dependent children, aged over 60, pregnant or recently had a child and those who are caring for another. This is a clear indicator of Socialist practise as they are using the welfare state to eliminate the inequalities within a state. (Przeworski. A, 1985, p29) By providing people who are less off with benefits it closes the gap that Capitalism has created for them. (Giddens. A, 1998, p8) Britains current government Labour still has policies that are indicators of Social Democracy. We want to rebuild trust in politicsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦put more power in the hands of individual citizens so that they can influence the decisions which affect themselves, their families and local communities This aims to equal chances to voice individual opinions. This ensures that power isnt just given to a certain class and that it is equally distributed between the classes. There are also ways of creating equality between genders. Introduced the National Minimum Wage two thirds of the beneficiaries are women and it has played a substantial part in narrowing the gender pay gap. Labour believes everyone is entitled to equality. They aim to be fair to those regardless of gender, disability, sexual orientation, age, race, religion or belief. This demonstrates Social Democracys existence within contemporary Britain. But there are clear indicators that the British state is moving away from Socialism. Currently Britain is under the Labour Party governance. Social Democracy essentially underpins the British Labour Party with the Labour Parties motto A future fair for all. This clearly indicates that their main aim is for equality within the British state. However there has been speculation. The evidence shows that labour has become split into two clearly differentiated constituencies: those with secure employment (insiders) and those without (outsiders). There has been speculation that theres a new labour party. This was seen arising when Blair was in power. The new labour seemed to embrace capitalism and abandoned classical social democracy for the third way revised social democracy. (Driver. S, Martell. L, 2006, p26) The Third Way was used to mark out Labours departure from the politics of the Social Democratic state, signifying a reconfiguration of relationships between the economy and state. (Newman. J, 2001, p40) The Third Way is in favour of growth, entrepreneurship, and enterprise and wealth creation. It also values social justice. However we see how the Labour Party who once was based on Social Democracy edge away and heading towards Capitalism. However does contemporary Britain still value social justice over Capitalism under the Third Way? In recent times we see lowered public spending. Weve already spent  £4bn less on unemployment benefits and income support for the unemployed than was anticipated. Comment Alistair Darling to the BBC. We see lowered welfare spending which raises questions about Labours a fair future for all. However New Labour sees this less as a social right and more about personal responsibility and social duty. This clearly shows how the Third Way governance is prioritising economic issues over social issues. The contemporary British state however has many characteristics of a Capitalist state. Globalisation has also contributed to the breakdown of welfare state in contemporary Britain. We see now that due to globalisation instead of business fighting over market share but now we see states fighting. States remain interested in survival at the very least, and pursuing power at the most. (Aydinli. E, Rosenau. J.N, 2005, p127) Globalisation is described as the denationalisation of politics (Aydinli. E, Rosenau. J.N, 2005, p127) which essentially means that states are no longer deciding policies that benefit them but in fact they make policies that suit globalisation. The emergence of a global market economy and the need for global competitiveness have handed neo liberalism a powerful new weapon with which to contain and neutralise the counter pressures of domestic politics. (Mishra. R, 1999, p3) There is also the belief of the hyperglobalisation thesis where states believe that if their state does not increase incentives for businesses to invest in their state businesses will go elsewhere. States are constantly competing for foreign investment. Therefore they lower corporation tax to increase the incentive. (Ravenhill. J, 2008, p343) So now we see states producing policies that are business friendly. State aims are to lower inflation and a steady currency which is argued to attract businesses as lower inflation would mean lower raw materials for businesses and steady currency means there is less of a risk for the business to be exposed to fluctuations in exchange rates. (Mishra. R, 1999, p5) States constantly fighting over investment has caused them to jeopardise domestic policies. The incremental tightening of domestic environmental policies has sometimes been delayed or blocked for the fear of incurring economic competitive disadvantages. (Holden. B, 2000, p186) This shows that states are more concerned about economic growth and not about equality within the social classes. Not surprisingly a higher level of insecurity, poverty and equality has become accepted in many countriesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦the retreat from the mixed economy and the welfare state is visible everywhere with the Anglo Saxon countries leading the way. (Mishra. R, 1999, p3) A good demonstration of the British state favouring Capitalism over Socialism is recently to the bank crisis. We see the state pouring money into the financial sector instead of using it to close the gap of inequality. It could also be argued that the states increase spending in education is purely for Capitalist reasons. Better-educated workers are likely to be more productive at their own jobs; they may, at the same time, raise the productivity of their colleaguesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦their importance has valuable implications for the role of public financing as well as for the organisation of education. (Miles. D, Myles. G.D, Preston. I, 2003, p121) States invest in human capital to make their domestic workforce more productive. They also benefit an increase in technological progress. States with high economic activity are generally those with a state financed education system. (Miles. D, Myles. G.D, Preston. I, 2003, p121) This can be used to argue that Britains public spending on education is purely for Capitalist reasons and not Socialist. Therefore indicating Britains welfare system is Capitalist based. In conclusion I think the British state still had characteristics of a social democracy but with the changes in the economy due to globalisation states has started to prioritise the market over social equality. The contemporary British state produces too many policies that are Capitalist friendly and they have became even clearer with the recent recession. We see Britain moving away from a Social Democratic state towards a more market driven Capitalist state.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Metropolis Symphony Essay -- Music Musical Musician Papers

The Development of the Programmatic Symphony from the 19th Century into the 21st Century Since the early symphonies of Sammartini and Stamitz the orchestral symphony has underwent constant development. In the early nineteenth century Beethoven started a new form of the symphony when he composed a symphony based on programmatic music. The programmatic symphony is a composition that is written with non-musical influences. "Program music is instrumental music which tells a story illustrates literary ideas, or evokes pictorial scenes. Though the term originated with Listz, illustrative music has existed for as long as music itself."(Kennedy p. 579) The form is more like a multi-movement tone poem that tells a story though music. The symphonies of Haydn, and Mozart were pieces written with music that was not influenced by non-musical ideas. Other symphonies that have been written that are programmatic are Symphonie Fantastique by Berlioz, Symphony no. 3 "Pastoral" by Vaughan Williams, and Metropolis Symphony by Michael Daugherty. This paper will show the similarities and differences between the programmatic symphonies of Beethoven, Berlioz, and Daugherty. Ludwig Van Beethoven 1770-1827 The first major programmatic symphony was written by Ludwig Van Beethoven in 1807-08. Although it was not completed until 1808 there are sketches for the symphony that go as far back as 1803. This was his sixth symphony and it was in F major. The first performance of the symphony was on December 22, 1808 which was the same premier of his fifth symphony. This symphony has five movements. The instrumentation for the symphony includes two flutes and piccolo, two oboes, two clarinets, two bassoons, two horns, two ... ...also has expanded the size of the wind section of the orchestra with several more instruments. While Beethoven and Berlioz composed their symphonies as complete works Daugherty allows conductors to perform movements separately if they desire. This makes each movement more like a tone poem than a full symphony. It is easy to see though by the Dies Irae in the fifth movement and the storm like atmosphere of the fourth movement how Daugherty was influenced by these two composers who came over one hundred years before him. In conclusion, the programmatic symphony has been used to create some of the greatest works of musical literature in the past two hundred years. In the next century composers will probably follow in these composers’ footsteps and expand the size of the orchestra to create new timbres and tell stories through tone painting in symphonies.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Truth about Cannibalism Essay -- Exploratory Essays Research Paper

The Truth about Cannibalism Typical Western thought directs people to examine the practices of cannibalism as savage and primitive. More often than not, this type of association exists because the people viewing the action are frightened and confused by that which they do not understand. In fact, some would even claim that, â€Å"cannibalism is merely a product of European imagination† (Barker, 2), thereby completely denying its existence. The belief that cannibalism goes against â€Å"human instinct†, as seen in many literary works including Tarzan, reduces those who practice it to being inhuman. (Barker, 1) However, scientific findings demonstrate that those who practice cannibalism are still human despite their difference in beliefs; therefore, not only can rationalization be extrapolated from those who practice the act of cannibalism, but also denying the fact of the participant’s very humanity has been undermined through scientific findings. The spectrum of logic behind cannibalism is wide in scope and varies in each tribe. In Africa there are a number of cannibalistic tribes, the two most notable being the Fang and Azande tribes. The Fang tribe occupied the Gabun district north of the Ogowh River in the French Congo. According to Mary Kingsley, â€Å"The Fang is not a cannibal for sacrificial motives† and is considered by many to be â€Å"morally superior to the Negro†. ( However, despite displaying higher moral standards, the Fang tribe has been purported to be â€Å"utterly indifferent to human life.† ( Yet, it was not indifference that served as the basis of practicing the acts of cannibalism but rather they simply found nothing wrong in doing so. In the Fang â€Å"a woman who bore ... ...that of his kind. In the Hua and Gimi tribes, there are much deeper meanings and rituals involved in the eating of human flesh. Whether Westerners view cannibalism as â€Å"primitive† does not undermine its presence. These tribes have maintained their salvation through cannibalism for centuries. In fact, some may even posit that without the existence of cannibalism, these tribes may cease to exist due to the lack of a strong underlying culture. Works Cited â€Å"Baker, John.† Online. Internet. WWW page. 5 Oct. 2002. Barker, Hulme, and Iverson. Cannibalism and the Colonial World. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1998. â€Å"Kingsley, Mary.† Online. Internet. WWW page. 5 Oct. 2002. Sanday, Peggy. Divine Hunger. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1986.

The Act of Blogging:Creating an Online Home :: Blogs

The Act of Blogging:Creating an Online Home A phenomenon has taken place on the internet. This phenomenon is called blogging. Blogging is nothing more the journal of people published on the internet. The interesting thing is, other people around the world can share in this journal with you. Another interesting note that might be commonly over looked, is the resemblance of a blog site and a real home, metaphorically speaking. Whether or not a blogger is intentionally giving his site a homely look to it, the resemblance is there nonetheless. Items you might come across on a blog site are pictures, a portfolio of the blogger, and links to other blog sites. For the bloggers that take this seriously, it is important to have this information to create an environment that you are comfortable with and you are comfortable with others to view. You want for the viewers to feel welcome to your site and enjoy what they see and read. For the viewers, they are looking for a connection with other people with similar likes and dislikes. An individual named Andy does a lot of traveling, and has created a blog site to tell about his travels. Because of his extensive travels, Andy has chosen to make an online home. In several e-mail conversations I had with Andy, he told me that his web site is a place where he can go for some familiarity. He was intrigued at the comparison that I had made between the two types of homes. When you enter this site you are greeted with a different picture about once a week. Pictures are important; they add life to the web site. Pictures are also important because they give character to the web site, and in some cases can even tell a story. Pictures on a web site are a lot like pictures on the wall of a house, for the same reasons. Pictures or paintings I feel are a necessity for a house or web site. Throughout a house you will find books, magazines, newspapers, and all sorts of other little nick nacks. These items are there for enjoyment and education. They also describe what kind of person it is that lives there and what his likes and dislikes are. In the blog world, you might find a personal profile of the blogger. For the serious bloggers, it is almost a guarantee that you will find one.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Introduction of Event Marketing

Introduction In the following, the feasibility analysis will define whether possible to organize the Game before 2030 in Hong Kong. game refers to the biggest multi-sport games after the Olympic game. There are 58 disciplines in this game. Also, it is the biggest event in the Asian countries. This game is helped by the Olympic Council of China. They're part of member organized the event every four years. (Olympic Council of China) Feasibility analysis 1. This event is a good idea Asian game can increase the awareness of sporting and the Hong Kong athletes can exchange the experience and communicate with another sport man/sport woman.It can improve the sporting infrastructure in Hong Kong and to meet the international standard of these sport equipments. Through the communication with other countries athlete, it can exchange the experience to gain more knowledge to perform the sport and the sport event well even to create the opportunity to organize another sport event to do so. Moreov er, it can increase the importance of sport, to deliver the message of becoming a healthier person through sufficient physical exercise. It can increase the people’s willingness to doing exercise because they can know more about the sporty stuff via the Asian Game too.Samsung Distribution ChannelThis game can attract more tourists to come to Hong Kong to visit the event and to visit the many attractions here to raise the reputation on it. 2. We have the skills required to plan and run the event In the past, Hong Kong held 5th East Asian game successfully. (Agency for volunteer service) This organization helps to enroll the volunteers to involvement in the East Asian Game previously. It is important for us to organize the similar event like the Asian Games. Moreover, Hong Kong Leisure and Cultural Services Department organize amount of the sport event successfully in Hong Kong (Appendix 3)We have the experience in conducting the sport event like Hong Kong Seven. It enriches ou r experience in sports event. (Hong Kong Sevens) Moreover, in 2008, Olympic and Paralympics Equestrian Events also organized in Hong Kong successfully. Moreover, we can seek the Olympic Council to transfer experience and allocate the helpers and planners to us to facilitate the event. Asian Game since 1951 and it held 16 times so as to have many good examples to refer with. In this case, we can sure the necessary skills, knowledge and capabilities can be fulfilled through various sources to support with. 3. Community is supporting the Asian gamesThere are two aspects to decide whether the community support. It refers to the government approvals and publicity efforts. Since we have enough skills, well-planning, and effective in allocating resources, it is not hard to get the government to approve this Asian Game. The supporting documents and evidence needs to submit to the government to get the permit. Before submitting to the government, we should seek the options of the residents w ho are nearing the event’s location. Normally, we need some helpers to collect the option of the residents, to conduct the survey with the citizen to persuade them to involve in this event.In this case, most of them will agree with the event because it is the international sport event and can enhance the reputation of Hong Kong. After the agreement of them, we need the publicity to help us to promote the event in a positive way to gain the government approve and support. 4. We have the infrastructure in the community The place that used to conduct the sport event is sufficient. There are many locations available to conduct the event. We can use the resources that are used in East Asian Games previously. Firstly, the Victoria park swimming pool is available to organize the swimming competition. Appendix 1) There have the parking space near the Swimming pool Also, it's near the Tin Hau MTR station, have a bus stop on the Hing Fai Street (Appendix 2) In addition, there is Taxi s top, Mini bus stop , tram stops Near the MTR station. The audience of the swimming event can use these transportation tools to go and leave for the event. Moreover, there are lots of Leisure Facilities which are located in Hong Kong. (See Appendix 4) All of them have enough parking spaces, good transportation network, well-constructed roads and tracks, huge exhibition area, supplement of electronic power, water and heating and good as sewage treatment. . Can we get a venue at a price we can afford? According the Previous Press release, running a sport event used around 2. 4 billion and received around 1. 17 billion. We expected that the expenditure of Asian Games is 3. 4 billion and the revenue of 2. 17 billion. We can find sponsors to support the cost of decoration and catering to reduce the expenditure of the Asian Games. Moreover, the venue of the competition has a regular period to maintain the quality of the venue and the equipment in order to achieve the international standard requirements. We need to gain the safety teams to help to dialogues the sport person’s safe.St John is mainly responsible for the large scale of different kinds of event. It keeps to providing the first aid service in Hong Kong. (Please refer to Appendix 6) The venue manager is important when running the event, also, it is a critical role to decide whether the event successful so that he is necessary to monitor the arrangement of the venue. 6. Will the event attract media support? The Asian Games event will attract media support because it has over 20 countries to join our event so that the media must broadcast the event two or from the country.Most of the promotion tools rely on the sport event time interval to charge higher prices so that the media will support this game. Most of the company will place heavy advertisement during this period to enhance the awareness of them so that the media will encourage that kind of event. Moreover, the media can enrich the information a nd to deliver to their audience, to shape the issue, to trigger the discussion of the event. Moreover, the media is more willing to support the government-based event because the government will place advertisement in different media periodically.Once the media help the government, the opportunity to place the advertisement or public release in the media will increase. 7. The event is financially viable There are many ways to raise the capital to cover the costs. The sponsorship is the key sources of capital. We can find different sponsors to help us to facilitate the event. Omega companies can take responsibility on timing service. FedEx can help to deliver the materials which are related to the sport event. HSBC can sponsor some part of our expenses. Nike can sponsor the clothes of the sport person.Samsung can support all of LED display monitors. Although is it a vast investment in this event, the raising capital is not hard to complete once it is well-arranged. Also, we can sell the souvenirs to enhance the revenue. Some of the audience prefer to buy in memory of this event or as a gift to others. 8. The event will attract audiences Through the media and community support, it is sure attracting audience interest. Added up the government, it enhances the involvement of citizens. Also, the sponsors will help us to spread out the information about the event.Moreover, it is an international event in Hong Kong which it only once upon a time so that it is the selling point of this event. People can see the sport man who are coming from different and not coming before the event. The Uniqueness of this event is attractive for the audience. It brings benefits for the audience to observe the performance of them which is coming from various countries. 9. The success criteria are reasonable We can referring the past experience of organizing with the event and believe that this event is very attractive for the audience and the community, edia, government and sponsors wi ll support us because it bring a lot of benefits for them. Enhance the awareness of them is a good example to illustrate this situation. Also, we are financially affordable, it enhance the opportunity for success as well. We can deliver the importance of sporting to the Hong Kong’s citizen success through the tools that mentioned above so that it is possible to gain success. The purpose of communicating with the sport man/woman is achieved in this event. Exchange the experience of against the competition also useful for them. 10. What are the risks?There have risks when running the event. It refers to the management risk and weather risk. Firstly, it is difficult to sure that all things are in control. It should have many meetings to communicate with a different department to maintain the consistency of the direction. Secondly, the weather is difficult to predict with 100% accurately so that is should provide other alternatives and to plan the arrangement of delay on competit ion. Conclusion To conclude, this event is worthy to start with because it brings a lot of long term benefits to the worldwide so that it should be going to run the event.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Brand Placement

Businesses strategically place their brands and products in movies or in TV series to subtly get consumers to notice their brands, this Is called brand placement. Two products which I have noticed In movies are Apple Imams In the Twilight movie Breaking Dawn Part 1 (2011) and Manual Blank shoes in the Sex and the City Movie (2008). These were both big blockbuster hits which many people viewed and obsessed over. They both star very famous celebrities who play desirable characters.In the movies both the brands are clearly shown with the characters so the viewer ill relate who the character is with the brand to give the brand symbolism (Levy, 1959). In Sex and the City we first see the Manual Blank heels when the mall character Carrie Bradshaw Is shown her new wardrobe which will soon be filled with her clothes that are envied by viewers. The scene is romantic and everything is perfect in Carrie's world which suggests that the consumer would be in a similar situation if they had theses shoes.The label on the box is clearly shown as Carrie carefully puts her prized possession on the shelf. The shoes appear at the end of the vie during a special scene where Carrie Is being proposed to, the heel is used to close the deal of the proposal. This once again Incorporates the shoe with happiness and romance. Sex and the city has been a popular TV series (1998 – 2004) so there was a huge hype when the movie was released. Carrie Bradshaw is a well known character for her glamorous life; Carrie is an icon for fashion and high class.We straight away draw a connection with any brand associated with Carrie Bradshaw to being an ultimate luxury brand, and as a viewer I desire to own the brands shown in the movie to make myself appear more glamorous. The Sex and the City's target audience are females over 16 years. It has an emphasis on relationships and high fashion. I aspire to be Like Carrie and her friends as they were Independent and bring out ideas of their own about s ex and women being in control.The Manual Blank shoes are targeted to me and women with similar interests in fashion and their appearance. The shoes are a very high priced item but the brand makes me think that I would be superior to others if I own this luxury good. By owning Manual Blank shoes I would feel a part of the top label brand community which they associate Carrie with (Ganglier, 2012). I believe that If I owned them I would appear more glamorous and they would give me class and style. These shoes would affect self image positively for me (Williston, 2012).This is because I would feel more important and confident with these shoes on. Mascots Hierarchy of Needs suggests that â€Å"people are motivated to fulfill their basic needs, before moving on to other, more advanced needs† (Cherry, n. D. Para. 1). The needs are shown on a pyramid starting with physiological needs then safety needs, social needs, self-esteem needs and finishing with self-actualization (Cherry). M anual Blank shoes fall Into the self- esteem group as they can give the owner confidence and status (MBA Online Programmer, n. ). The Culled family in Twilight are depicted as perfection. They are beautiful, rich, and intelligent and are identified as superior to everyone else. The brand Apple appears in Breaking Dawn during a serious scene in the movie where the Culled family are desperately researching to find a life line. As the computer is reliable and a good source of research as an intellectual family such as the Culler's use them. Breaking Dawn was the third top grossing movie of 2011 which shows the age audience that this movie reached out to (Midi. Mom, Inc. N. D). The Apple symbol glows on the screen with the family in the background to emphasis that this is a brand that a family as perfect as the Culler's would use. The Twilight series is targeted to teenage girls and women who fantasize over the desirable men in the movie (Denial, 2011). The Twilight Saga has been a huge hit, as at 13/04/12 its Faceable page has 31 ,951 , 1 55 likes with many of these fans being obsessed over the characters and actors in the movie.With other 31 million fans, Apple is getting their rand out to a huge audience who are likely to be influenced by what the characters are associated with. Twilight fans will believe that by associating themselves with the brands that are used in the Twilight Saga movies they will be more alike the characters. I am a fan of the brand Apple; I personally own an Apple pod and an Imax. My pod is something I could not imagine functioning without as it holds many songs as well as having other functions such as the internet, email and camera.I personally spend a lot of time on my Imax both for social reasons communicating with people and to get university work completed. These Apple products are essential for me as I could not imagine my daily life without them. It is part of my culture to be up to date on the latest technology, and to be able t o communicate indirectly through the internet with my peers (Williston). It is a norm within my culture to own Apple products, the people around me and I use Apple products daily (Williston).By having Apple associated with famous actors such as Robert Patterson and Kristin Stewart, the brands are a part of these actors indirect reference group as the actors are people you aspire to be like (Williston). These groups give us â€Å"a point of reference in deciding what consumption behavior to undertake† (Williston, 2012. Group Influence & Social Norms Lecture). Indirect reference groups can have a different amount of influence on consumers depending on many factors including how attractive the reference group is, whether the product is being used publicly and the consumer's self-esteem (Williston).Apple is already a very well known brand and as soon as the logo came into view on the screen the viewers would have straight away recognized it and began to make connections with he b rand and the Robert Patterson or Culled family reference group. Brand equity is important when trying to make your brand familiar with consumers it is â€Å"The value premium that a company realizes from a product with a recognizable name as compared to its generic equivalent† (Investigated, n. . Para. L). Brand equity is about the name and symbol of the brand, it includes brand loyalty, name awareness, perceived quality, brand associations and other proprietary and brand assets (Ganglier). With Apple and Manual Blank appearing in these well known and popular movies they are gaining a lot of brand awareness which is important as when consumers are choosing between options they will pick the brand they are most familiar with.Viewers of Sex and the City associate Carrie with high quality goods so by seeing Carrie with her Manual Blank shoes consumers will automatically relate the Manual Blank to top quality which will add value to the brand. Manual Blank and Apple have been suc cessful at getting their brands out Breaking Dawn Part One. The characters and actors are dollied by many so a lot of consumers are likely to be influenced to purchase these products. By owning the products shown in the movies consumers will be able to associate themselves with the brand communities and reference groups.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

A Book Review on Martin Jacques’ When China Rules the World

A Book Review On Martin Jacques’ When China Rules the World By Abhinav Pathak â€Å"The underlying argument of the book is that China's impact on the world will be as great as that of the United States over the last century, probably far greater†¦. China, with continuing economic growth (albeit at a reduced rate) is destined to become one of the two major global powers and ultimately the major global power†- Martin JacquesMartin Jacques' above statement is a bold one, but shouldn’t come much of a surprise as Goldman Sachs gave such conclusions credibility in 2007 when it concluded that China would surpass U. S. GDP in 2027, and double it by 2050. I believe that Jacques, in a serious and comprehensive analysis, puts modern-day China into a long historic context and explores contemporary (and possible future) relations between a resurgent China and other East Asian states, the United States, and other parts of the world. The book is split into two parts, The E nd of the Western World and the Age of China.The Age of China section is much better than the End of the Western World. It gives the reader a background of China in relatively decent depth. It describes biases and history. It describes issues like racism; the repercussions of Confucianism are described in depth. A lot of the statistics seem to be from earlier in the decade suggesting this book was written over a long period of time but only recently completed. That being said, the main forms of argument of this section and the book, are images, not real facts.Chinese proverbs are used as evidence of the perspective, which I think is very ineffective, as for each one which supports a point, one can find another proverb which offers a different perspective. The Rise of China is an incredibly important and seemingly irreversible process, this could have been a great opportunity to back up claims with case evidence, but that was really not done in any convincing fashion. The author ofte n makes hyperbolized points, which within a paragraph become qualified with a much more balanced perspective.An example is the description of China and democracy. China it is claimed has no need for democracy and there is no reason to expect it, based on their historical citizens arrangement with government, and the fact that the people are not demanding it today (there are several times when it is stated that the Chinese need 8-9% growth as not to cause civil unrest implicitly stating that it is the growth that excuses the lack of demand for political rights and that citizens are willing to forgive political rights for economic growth)†¦Most people who make convincing arguments about China and democracy make the claim that democracy in China will follow from socio-economic development. When people move to the point from having to worry about subsistence to worrying about their leisure time, their priorities of governance chance. The allusions to history are just not convincing arguments, they can be dismissed as contextual and the authors own description of growth needed to prevent civil unrest makes the same point as stated above.The author sure knows this, so after making a claim which is not backed up, qualifies it by saying, it probably will democratize, but not the way you expect. Well, I don’t know what that means. Points like this should be argued with case studies, look at the political associations and power that the well off have vs. the poor, look at how those have changed. If there has been no change in political ideals of a person/group as their socio-economic condition has changed, make a point.Unfortunately the book does not take this approach, it looks to the past when the world was little changing in a relative context to today, and makes inferences. To quote Park Chung Hee from Korea which also took a state centered followed by democracy approach – â€Å"In human life, economics precedes politics and culture. † If o ne is going to dispute this, one should be doing it with cases not words with any evidence. However, there are many illustrations that Jacques, the author, gives us to back his claim of the Chinese domination.Since the economic reforms launched by Deng Xiaoping in 1978 (just two years after the death of Mao), the Chinese economy has been growing at an average rate of 9. 5% a year which represents a doubling in size every seven years. Jacques comments: â€Å"Given its scale and speed, China's economic transformation is surely the most extraordinary in human history†¦ The country has borne witness to the greatest poverty reduction programme ever seen†.He further observes that the most important single characteristic of China is its unity. It has been relatively unified for over two millennia, attaches compelling priority to the maintenance of this unity, and is not prepared to compromise on the sovereignty – as opposed to the forms of governance – of Tibet or Xinjiang or the ‘lost territories' of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. Jacques argues that â€Å"the Chinese have a pathological fear of division and instability†.China will become modern not by simply replicating the established modernity of Europe and North America, but by creating its own distinctive modernity in what will become a world of what he calls †contested modernity†. In many respects, the coming global supremacy of China is seen by the Chinese themselves as simply re-establishing the natural order of things, since they have always seen Chinese civilization as the greatest in the world and the ‘century of humiliation' (1850-1950), involving the ‘unequal treaties', colonialism and occupation, is regarded as an aberration which is now being corrected.This sense of superiority is underlined by a specifically racial view of the Chinese in which the Han Chinese, who comprise 92% of the total population, are seen as a single race and even the 100M non-Han are described as different nationalities rather than races. Indeed there is a view in some quarters than the origins of the Chinese are discrete and unconnected with that of other branches of humankind. All of these form the main themes of the book, â€Å"When China Rules the World† and it does sound that the 21st century will witness a paradigm shift in the centre of world power and influence.I do have couple of criticisms though. I feel the author is inconsistent at times and does not draw conclusions based on the evidence he presents rather than the feelings that he has about the subject. It often seems like the author is describing a zero-sum world, China moving up is the west moving down. The West has started growing again, given there are major issues still being worked through (though the author says the West is in a depression†¦ ) and there is a title called the end of the Western world. In my opinion if he US manages to grow, then that doesn’ t mark the end of the western world. As long as the quality of life per person is greater than in China or wherever, it is a model for something right? Otherwise one should just join the country with the greatest number of citizens. The end of strict western hegemony seems inevitable, but the west is a model for something as again, it has the highest living standards in the world. If china doesn’t dominate the US GDP that would be a tragedy, it has 5 times the people†¦This balance of power perspective is what drives a lot of the commentary. It is an important perspective and it would be naive to dismiss it, but as long as the model for economic growth is yielding good results, it is a valuable model for how a society should run. One cannot compare China and the US/Western Europe. They are not anywhere close on a GDP per capita. The rise of Chinese nationalism is very much a result of the great things China is achieving and the desire to be a part of it and to show the wo rld what the Chinese are capable of.It is not a we are better, any average Chinese citizen would with a high degree of confidence switch place with a US citizen of Chinese origin- as long as that is the case, we haven’t seen the end of the west. That phenomenon will be around for a long time and the end of that situation isn’t even contemplated in this book, the more defining data point to the author is, when china’s GDP will exceed the US. So as not to bore people, the book gives good history, discusses central aspects of Chinese culture that aren’t prevalent in the west, and discusses how they might manifest themselves on a global scale.That perspective is an important one, as the strategic power of China grows, so will its use of influence and it is important to understand the context of its perspectives. Another criticism that I have is that he not infrequently darts backwards and forwards in time. Perhaps this is unavoidable and I might not have been better pleased with a strict chronological account which would necessarily have hopped about between geography, military and economical viewpoints. In conclusion, I believe that China will change the world.However, the future is seen here mainly through the prism of a somewhat overstated China-centric historical determinism. The clamor of conflicting voices within China, with their potential to shape coming events, is barely considered. A more symbiotic development – that of China reaching an accommodation with the world in mutual self interest – is played down. China is locked into global systems that it will be difficult to fully extricate itself from – or replace – and which will mitigate its actions.Jacques himself convinced me that China’s rise is not a new paradigm but one of many burgeoning hybrids of existing modernity which will be eventually assimilated, albeit at great cost to Western global dominance. This book is a valuable addition t o an important debate. But at times the author stares so long and hard at China’s history that he seems to develop tunnel vision. Surely China’s past, although important, will not shape the global future in the overwhelming way that Jacques clearly believes that it will!